Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mouse Operations: Right-Click

We saw already that the mouse is equipped with two buttons. This is not intended to make it fancy. Each button has a distinct role in the computer. Just like the left mouse button, the right mouse button can be clicked. It can also be double-clicked. It can even be involved in a dragging operation. Clicking the right mouse button of the mouse is referred to as Right-Click. What happens when you click with the right mouse button depends on the item that was clicked and/or sometimes whether the item was selected.
To perform the right-click action:
1- Position the mouse on the indicated item or word (you will always be indicated what to
2- Then press the right mouse button once and release it

Practical Learning: Right-Clicking
1- Position the mouse pointer on an unoccupied area on the desktop
2- Position the middle finger (of the hand that is using the mouse) on the right button of the mouse and press it once
3- Notice that a series of words, referred to as a menu, appears:
4- Position the mouse on the Taskbar. Then click the right mouse button with your middle finger
5- Notice that a different series of words appears
6- Position the mouse on Recycle Bin and right-click:
7- Notice the series of words that appears
8- Click somewhere else to deselect Recycle Bin
9- Position the mouse on Recycle Bin again and hold your mouse down
10- While the right mouse button is still held down on Recycle Bin, move the mouse in the right direction to drag
11- When the item gets to the right section of the desktop, release the mouse:

12- Notice a different series of words
13- Click an unoccupied area on the desktop

Some applications, namely programs used to manipulate text (they are called word processors),
allow you to triple-click. We will review this action when we get to that area of our lessons

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