Sunday, January 18, 2009

Practical Learning: Using Menu Types

1- To open an application, on the desktop, double-click Recycle Bin
2- Notice the list of words on the upper section of the window: File, Edit, View, etc
3- On the top list, click File and notice that a list appears under File
4- Without clicking, move the mouse on Edit and, without clicking,
move the mouse on Select All
5- Without clicking, move the mouse on Help
6- To dismiss the main menu, click Help. Notice that the menu has been closed
7- On the top section, right-click File and notice that a different menu appears
8- Right an empty area on the right side of Help. Notice that the same context-sensitive
menu appears:
9- In the right section of the window, right-click any word you see or the empty area
10- Notice the menu that appears
11- On the main menu, click File and click Close.
Menu Convention:
From now on, when referring to a menu, we will use a right-pointing arrow to indicate subsequent
clicks. Based on this, we will use the following conventions:

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