Sunday, February 1, 2009

Font Size

One of the most important aspects of text formatting is to display characters or words in different heights. This is possible because the computer allows the characters to be drawn with a size of your choice. As you may have guessed, the first size issue of a font is related to individual characters. For example, the letter W is obviously wider than i. This has more to do with the human language or alphabet than the computer itself. The real aspect of the size of a font is related to its design.
Once again, the application you use should provide you with the means to specify or change the size you want to apply to a font you are using. If you are using WordPad, you Font Size combo box of the Formatting toolbar is made just for that. You can also display the Font dialog box that is equipped with the Size combo box. By default, the sizes of fonts are defined in the combo boxes. In most cases, if you don't see a size you want to apply, you can directly provide yours. To do this, click the edit box section of the Size combo box, type the desired size and click somewhere else. The operating system would calculate the size and apply it to the text.
Practical Learning: Setting Font Sizes
1- Triple-click the word theory in the third line to select its whole paragraph
2- On the Formatting toolbar, click the arrow of the Font Size combo box and select 12
3- Triple-click the word months under the How it Started line to select its whole paragraph
4- On the Formatting toolbar, click the arrow of the Font Size combo box and select 12
5- Select the first line of text (Common Sense)
6- On the Formatting toolbar, click the arrow of the Font Size combo box and select 26
7- Double-click Introduction to select it
8- On the main menu, click Format -> Font...
9- In the Size combo box, select 16 10- Click OK
11- Select How it Started
12- Right-click the selected text and click Font...
13- In the Size combo box, select 16 and click OK

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